-==- Creator:Admiral-X I created this pud to help give puds a good name. Many players out there have made useless, lop-sided puds that advance one player. Several player have resorted to refusing to play puds at all. Due to the favoritism of the Garden of War, I created a renewed version of the same map. Features of Garden2 -Center Mines are guarded by a passive computer player. (In order to use this player you must make one computer player) -Renewed Landscape -As usual roads lead to every player's start. -Each player has as 40000 gold mine. -Various 35000 and 32500 mines were placed between players. -Each of the 4 center mines has 50000. -A mine north of center, in a lake, has 70000. -A mine in the center of a rock, east of center, has 65000. -A mine in the center of smaller 2500 mines has 40000. (This mine is south of center) -NO PLAYER HAS A SPECIFIC ADVANTAGE Upgrade from Garden2.pud to Garden2b -There was no room in the center four a town hall, with the mines so close, so I had to renovate and make it larger. Feel free to distribute this pud, but do not edit this pud in any way. If you have any corrections or suggestions, please tell Admiral-X on one of the Kali servers, or by email at Admiralx@flex.net I'm wondering if anyone is interested in putting together a large packet of puds to distribute.